Earning Money Through Website and Blog. (How to Earn Money through goolge Adsense account)

Website Earning in Urdu

Earn Money Through Internet


With the way of time many peoples search on internet for how to make or earn money online, earning money online is so easy if you search about it, the peoples who don't know about the world of internet they can't earn money from internet, there are different ways to earn money from internet world, but you have to work hard to earn money,you can earn money online by clicking and viewing ads, but you have to invest money in this way of earning money, but if you want to earn money online with investment, then contact us we will provide the full training courses of earning money online with our investment, after you buy our courses you can earn money 6 months time period, earning started from fifteen thousands to one lac. the ways of earning money by investing money most of them are fake and scam, so be smart of these websites.

(a) Earn Money Through websites or Blog:- 

Earn Money Through websites or Blog


Earning Money Through Websites and blog is not so easy, but our professional training course make you perfect to earn money online from website and blog.

(1) What is Website?

A Location Connected to the internet that maintains one or more web pages. to make a website first you have to buy a domain name and then you have to buy a hosting service, A domain is an area of territory owned or controlled by particular ruler or government, you can buy a domain in just 10$ to 20$, and buy a hosting in 15$ to 25$ in Pakistan Many peoples provide these both services in cheap rates, then you have to buy a Posting plan through which you can post online your articles or any other things. in all this process you have to invest money then you can earn money online through website.

(2) What is a Blog? 

You can Make blog for free on internet, by the help of your Gmail account. this free services is provided by Google.com, which is the largest search engine in the world, you can make your own free blog by going on this website blogger.com . blogger.com provides free sub-domain of blogspot.com, like my domain name, if you buy a domain name then you will host the domain name here for free. if you buy our full course then we will tell you all the secrets methods of earning money with blog.

(3) How you can earn money through blog/website?

The major problem after making blog/website is that how you can earn money from them you can earn money by displaying ads on them. if your website visitors are of large variety then you can earn many money, much the visitors much you can earn money.

(b) Earn Money Through Ads

(1) What are Ads ?

Ads Mean to advertising any thing, in advertising there are two types of peoples one which provides the ads and the one who display these ads, like when our see live television and seeing any program and drama, then there are some commercials display during the dramas, this is know as ads, Channels doesn't play these ads for free they got money for playing these ads, like this in the internet you see on many websites there are ads are displayed on the right side or the left side of the website these are know as ads,and if you click on these ads then the owner of the website, got money the website visitor clicks on these ads.

(2) Types of Ads? 

There are two types of Ads first is flat banners and animations banner ads, you might also see on Facebook or any other website if you download any software, these are known as flat ads, second is popup ads.

(3) Popup Ads?

Earn Money Through Popup Ads


Popup ads are advertisement that shows up in new window of browser. its has no standard size window.Pop-up ads are just one form of internet advertising used by advertisers to get web users' attention. these type of ads are known as popup ads.when ever user click on the any empty area of website the new windows opens then the website owner gets paid, as you see on many blogs and website.

(c) How you can Get Ads for Website or blog?

if you have a regular more than 200+ visitors then you apply for ads on your website/blog. if you have low visitors on your website or blog then you can't apply for ads. There are many websites on internet which provide the ads, fewer websites are those who provide highly paid ads but they have some website/blog requirements to display there ads on you website. we will tell you the top highly ads paying website. which provides you best and legal ads.

(d) Top Website who gives you Highly Paid Ads...


Adsense is the first largest highly advertising website which provide highly paid Ads, it provides both publisher and advertising programs.your website/blog must meet the publisher criteria of Adsense. Following requirements below to approve you website or blog for making money with Adsense.
  • Your website/blog must have a beautiful design.
  • Your website/blog must include contact us, Services, Policies and about me pages.
  • You website speed must be fast, buy paid hosting server for website.
  • Your website doesn't contains heavy pictures and heavy materials which make your website slow.
  • You ever post should be more than 300+ Words.and a unique post.
  • Must also include Videos and pics in your post.
  • Website contact should be reality.
  • Don't upload sexual material.
  • Your daily visitors are more than 300.
  • 10% of your traffic comes from united states countries.
  • Don't use any Seo Software.other wise the search engines doesn't index your website.
if your website meets all the above criteria requirement then you apply for Adsense by going to http://www.google.com/adsense/start/ you can signup here by by your Gmail.com  account if you don't have a account then you first make a gmail account then you apply for Google Adsense Ads.

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