What is VMWARE Work Station, Learn How to Use it, Watch HD Video Tutorial of VM Ware in URDU,HINDI & ENGLISH

What is VMWARE Work Station, Learn How to Use it, Watch HD Video Tutorial of VM Ware in URDU,HINDI & ENGLISH

What is VMWare Workstation :-

VMware Workstation is a Hypervisor that runs different types of Virtual Computer in One Computer or in One Windows, it enables the computer user to run more than one virtual machines or multi windows,It is a multi purpose software which is use to pay or manage different types of virtual machines, and use them Simultaneously along with actual types of machines, and the power full feature of VMware WorkStation is that it can execute each virtual machine with its own operation system, it includes different versions such as, Microsoft, Linux, BSD, Ms-DOS, and Windows Versions, this software was developed First in 1999, and was developed by VMware,Inc & it is a Division of EMC Corporation.
Vmware Workstation support different types of network adapters and share a physically disk drives,  and supported the USB Drives with its virtual machine option, it can mount and manage ISO Images software such as, Backtrack, Kali-Linux and etc, when ever you can leave it and save in the virtual machine, it has ability to manage multiple virtual machines in one time, which can be powered off and powered on when ever you want and when ever you want to resume the state of virtual machine.

Version History of VMware Workstation 


1.0                   Released in 1999
3.0                   1st November 2001
3.1                   9th April 2002
4.0                   23rd March 2003
4.5                   5th April 2004
5.0                   11th April 2005
5.5                   12th September 2005 
6.0                   9th May 2007
6.5                   23rd September 2005
7.0                   26th October 2009
8.0                   14th September 2011
9.0                   23rd August 2012
10.0                 3rd September 2013
10.0.1              24th October 2013
10.0.2              17th April 2014
10.0.3              1st July 2014
10.0.4              30th October 2014
11.0                 Dec 2014

Latest Version of VMware Workstation  

The Latest Version of VMware Workstation is 11.0 , with is Released in Dec 2014, With Supported New Operation Windows such as , Windows 10 , Ubuntu 14.0 .and other Virtual Machines.

System Requirements of VMware Workstation

VMware workstation system requirements are not too much even you can install and use it on P-4 with 512MB RAM, and 3.00 GHZ processor, if you have a P-4 then you can install and use the VMware workstation 8, but if you have a core 2duo , or core i3, core i5, core i7, or any other operating system higher than P-4 then you can use any version of VMware Workstation, and Use it friendly. 

Download Now VMware Workstation 8 For Windows

Download Now VMware Workstation 8 For Linux

How to Use Vmware Workstation in English Video Tutorial

Windows 7 running on VMware Workstation 6 from Juan Manuel on Vimeo.

How to Use Vmware Workstation in URDU & HINDI Video Tutorial

how to use VMware Workstation All Features In Urdu By Pakfreedownloadspot.blogspot.com from Gakhar Master Mind on Vimeo.

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