The story of the photograph of the symbol of Brussels attacks

Described by women in the blood of the photo taken after the attack on Belgium's capital Zaventem Airport in Brussels.

RADIKAL - One of the first photographs falling on agencies after the Belgian attack on Zaventem Airport in Brussels yesterday was a woman in the blood trying to figure out what was happening on the chair. Another woman beside her was on the phone, talking about fear and frustration. This photo was used by many media organizations around the world within 24 hours.

According to the BBC Turkish language, the woman speaking on the phone was Stephanie De Looof of Flemish origin, working for the Doctors Without Borders (MSF), the French charity. Stephanie De Loof was preparing to go to Haiti to work on behalf of the organization. De Loof told the story of the explosion and the story of that photo in Radio 2 in Belgium.

De Loof, who was left at the car park airport by his mother, heard the explosion while bending over to fix his case. De Loof, who was irritated by the noise, did not think it was a bombed attack at first. Seeing that the people around you are running in hurry, you realize that this is not a good thing.

Rather than running with the crowd, he then threw himself under the waiting seats. He heard the second explosion sound as he tried to keep his ears between his hands and his hands. When Salonda saw the soldiers, he realized what was going on.

De Loof said that moment, "When I took my hand to my head, my fingers were full of blood, and when I thought why it was so bleeding, the other elimination went to the phone. Stefanie De Loof, who told her mother she was "well," started helping her around her.

First of all, Jet Air hosted the woman on the seat next to her. The hostess says that the woman is in a very bad condition, most of all, she wonders how she feels when she sees the photo.

"I did not want to go out with the newspapers like this," De Loof said, especially in the name of the woman next to him. "Apparently, without your permission, your photo is already starting to be shared in social media," De Loof said.

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